Metal Master Shop Your Preferred Metal Roof Supply Tue, 21 Jan 2020 22:40:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Metal Master Shop 32 32 Tips to Make Your Roofing Business More Successful Mon, 05 Mar 2018 19:32:20 +0000 Tips to Make Your Roofing Business More Successful  Any businessman should plan in advance and use any opportunity in his favor to grow their company through progressive development. That’s the way to be able to take more jobs, and serve more customers on an ongoing basis. And that leads to gaining more stable and significant […]

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Tips to Make Your Roofing Business More Successful 

Any businessman should plan in advance and use any opportunity in his favor to grow their company through progressive development. That’s the way to be able to take more jobs, and serve more customers on an ongoing basis. And that leads to gaining more stable and significant revenue.

Today we’re sharing 8 tips to make your roofing business more successful!

Introduce new services. A wider range of services may keep you busier, even during the slower months.  For example, roof insulation is something that keeps the houses warmer in winters and cooler in summers. And homeowners tend to get their roofs insulated more and more often. So, don’t miss out on the opportunity to let your business benefit from other services – just get creative!

Don’t try to do more than you can. Concentrate on the jobs you’re able to do the best. You should have enough time to perform each job qualitatively. Otherwise, you’ll get a great profit one season, but you’ll lose customers who weren’t satisfied with the results. In short, work to get profits and boost your image.

Learn new things to develop as a roofer. Constantly educate yourself, improve your roofing skills and learn how to provide those new services. Communicate with other roofers and read professional magazines to keep abreast of times and be aware of different innovations in the industry.

Review your pricing policy to see if it meets the roofing expenses, covers the business activities and leaves you with a good revenue to provide for you and your family, while ensuring some development perspectives for your business. You may want to consult with an accountant to make all necessary calculations and estimates.

Make sure to hire qualified roofers. Encourage your workers to go through the professional training along with you, so that the company is able to provide a wider range of more qualitative services. This will be in your favor, as clients tend to return to the companies that have impressed them in the past.

Cooperate with the independent roofers during the peak times. Find the local providers online and ask them if they’d like to work with you. Mention some benefits such as the constant flow of customers, greater fees, etc.

Work with your clients closely. Don’t hesitate to ask for the referrals and don’t be ashamed to promote your services in a subtle way. Provide a subscription for the roof maintenance services at a lower price than the cost of separate services. Your clients will be attracted to the price, and you’ll get a guaranteed source of the profit.

Concentrate your attention on marketing. You need to think about spreading the word about your roofing business in different ways. Today people look more at the screens of their phones or laptops than at the banners and direct mail. Don’t forget about social media profiles. Keep connected with your current clients by sending them monthly e-mails about your services and roof maintenance tips.


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Metal Master Shop Answering Growing International Roofing Demand Mon, 05 Feb 2018 19:06:15 +0000 Metal Master Shop Answering Growing International Roofing Demand The global market for roofing is expected to exceed $95 billion by 2024. This due to the growing focus on energy efficiency, and demand for reflective metal roofing solutions. It seems like a lot of people are opting against traditional energy and heat absorbing dark asphalt roofs. Metal Master Shop is expanding it’s presence […]

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Metal Master Shop Answering Growing International Roofing Demand

The global market for roofing is expected to exceed $95 billion by 2024. This due to the growing focus on energy efficiency, and demand for reflective metal roofing solutions. It seems like a lot of people are opting against traditional energy and heat absorbing dark asphalt roofs.

Metal Master Shop is expanding it’s presence in international markets. The goal is to take our knowledge of metal roofing to meet the needs of our clients overseas.

Based in the heart of Miami, Florida, our full-service team of dedicated experts provides complete management of the export process.

Metal Master Shop also provides all of the metal roofing accessories that contractors need, including clips, screws, underlayment, etc. We can ship everything you need for a professionally-installed roofing system. You also benefit from full access to our technical support team as well as architectural support for drawings, take-offs and precise measurements.

Made in The U.S.A.

People are demanding more products made in the United States. We have opened new market opportunities by offering U.S. brands to international markets.  So If you are a roofing company outside of the United States and are looking for high quality products, our team of experts can help you succeed.

We offer a variety of products made in the U.S., including metal roofing for commercial and residential properties and a complete line of metal roofing accessories.

If you are a homeowner, and don’t know where to start, call us! We will guide you every step of the way.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your metal roofing exporting needs! You will be impressed with our excellent, stress-free process.

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New Year, New Roof! How about Metal Roofing? Tue, 02 Jan 2018 17:33:30 +0000 How About Metal? For years we have been saying that metal roofing is the most reliable roofing system available. Metal is not just something we sell, it is something we believe in 100%. Now, we can claim one thing time and time again, however it takes on a different tone when it is actually put […]

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How About Metal?

For years we have been saying that metal roofing is the most reliable roofing system available.
Metal is not just something we sell, it is something we believe in 100%. Now, we can claim one thing time and time again, however it takes on a different tone when it is actually put to the test.

Metal Roofing pass the test?

Truth of the matter is there are many tests performed on metal roofing systems in order to get them approved. We know they are strong, but just how strong? You can now judge for yourself. Through an unfortunate disaster, nature has put metal roofing through the ultimate test, and we can firmly say: “it passed”. Irma, the last hurricane to strike South Florida, left a trail of devastation behind. The Florida Keys experienced the furry of a storm that destroyed many properties people had worked years to buy and maintain. But among all the talk of destruction and loss, we do hear some expressions of relief from many residents whose homes had metal roofs installed.

Metal roofs out performed other popular roofing systems. “Metal roofs are the bomb,” said Monroe County Assistant Administrator Christine Hurley…Barrel tiles are the next strongest type of roof and shingles are last.” This is according to WLRN’s The Sunshine Economy, by Tom Hudson, on September 25, 2017.

A new year usually means new goals and resolutions. If you are planning on getting a new roof in 2018, make sure you consider the best option for you and your family. If you have a residential or commercial property, you work hard for it, and you surely want the best. Call Metal Master Shop today for a quote. We also have a dedicated exporting team ready to help you with any export orders. CALL METAL MASTER SHOP NOW 3O5.261.9290.




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Become an Expert in Your Field Thu, 14 Dec 2017 18:19:46 +0000 5 Ways To Hone Your Problem-Solving Skills to Become An Expert In Your Field. Each day we all have to make decisions and we all face problems that need solving. Whether the issue is big or small, we all set goals for ourselves, face challenges and strive to overcome them. When you help others overcome their problems […]

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5 Ways To Hone Your Problem-Solving Skills to Become An Expert In Your Field.

Each day we all have to make decisions and we all face problems that need solving. Whether the issue is big or small, we all set goals for ourselves, face challenges and strive to overcome them. When you help others overcome their problems by offering fast-track solutions, your value as an expert receives an automatic boost. It’s important to realize that being a problem solver isn’t just an ability – it’s a whole mindset, one that drives people to bring out the best in themselves – so be very clear on your direction.

Problem solving is easy when you know how to approach it effectively. Your goal as an expert should be to help others turn problem solving into a habit so that they feel more empowered when future problems arise.

You will be most remembered by the problems you solve for your clients with your expertise. You deal with problems that might otherwise seem huge, overwhelming, or complex to others.

Don’t take your knowledge and expertise for granted – your way of looking at things and your way of thinking is unique and it is based upon your own experiences, failures, and successes. That’s what your clients pay for. You offer them a shortcut to problem solving.

To be an effective problem-solver, you need to be systematic and logical at the same time. When you solve problems you help others make more effective decisions that can improve their personal or professional lives. And as you increase your problem-solving skills, you also increase your own confidence and value as an expert.

Here are five steps to improving your problem-solving skills and become an expert in your field!

  1. Define each problem in detail before trying to solve it. Take time to understand the problem, understand the criteria for a good decision, and generate some good options.
  2. Offer one or two firm solutions. Offering too many suggestions will only confuse your client and allow him to become indecisive. Be very clear on the direction you offer with your solution.
  3. Prioritize your client’s action steps to help avoid overwhelm. If your client agrees to take action, ask him to relax and focus on moving forward. Be sure that the action steps requested are doable and achievable in a timely manner.
  1. Implement a step-by-step plan of action. Provide a checklist and mark off each item as it is completed so that others feel that they are achieving their goals and moving away from problems, obstacles and challenges as they take action steps.
  2. Look for more ways to improve upon the problem-solving idea to avoid future problems. Continue to perfect your problem-solving skills and use them for continuous improvement initiatives to serve your clients’ needs. The more effectively you solve problems, the more value you create as the go-to authority.

Solving problems increases your value as an expert and empowers those around you to think critically as well. Be encouraged to become an expert in your field, and take your roofing business to the next level!

When it comes to supplying and supporting metal roofing contractors in Miami, nobody comes close to Metal Master Shop. Call us today at (305) 547-9815 or visit us online at



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Why You Need a Metal Roofing Supplier Who’s on the Case 24/7 Thu, 16 Nov 2017 15:07:20 +0000 Why You Need a Metal Roofing Supplier Who’s on the Case 24/7. In today’s competitive business environment it’s critical that you position your company in the best possible scenario for success.  One of the most important things that you can do is to align yourself with professionals who won’t let you down. Whether you’re in […]

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Why You Need a Metal Roofing Supplier Who’s on the Case 24/7. In today’s competitive business environment it’s critical that you position your company in the best possible scenario for success.  One of the most important things that you can do is to align yourself with professionals who won’t let you down. Whether you’re in the market for a new metal roofing supplier, contractor, or sub-contractors, you want to make sure that their values and goals are in line with yours. Trust someone who proves that they’re willing to work for you and your clients 24/7.

Let’s take a look at things you should consider when choosing a metal roofing supplier:

Focused on providing comprehensive solutions.  Whether you are an architect, a contractor, or a building owner, you want and need a supplier who can help create business opportunities. Look for a someone who will provide comprehensive solutions for you. Successfully completing a project is a team effort that starts well before the job begins and doesn’t end until the customer is satisfied with the end result.

Goes beyond supplier to work as a partner.  When it comes to a metal roofing supplier, you want more than just a company that sells metal.  You need a valuable partner who will assist you in completing projects, and getting new ones as well.

Experienced enough to provide project consulting services and offers comprehensive spec review.

Look for a partner who can provide valuable assistance during the pre-bid and post-bid phase with bid submittal, engineering and shop drawing expertise.

Remains in compliance with building codes.  You need a supplier who understands the unique challenges of metal roofing. All products and panels must be in full compliance with the Miami-Dade County Building Code, and be specifically designed to withstand the wide variations in weather conditions experienced here in South Florida.

Stays up to date.  Ideally you need a supplier who can deliver up-to-date product testing and outstanding weather-tightness warranties. Of course, rely on one who offers exceptional product quality and service.

 Provides installation training support.  If possible, always seek metal suppliers who offer a full array of continuing education courses and installation training to support you. Whether you are an architect who specifies in metal roofing projects, a contractor, or an installer; product education is very important.

 Provides export services.  You want a supplier who can ship you everything you need for a professionally installed metal roofing system.  If you have work overseas, you will appreciate someone with the experience and professionalism it takes to execute exporting tasks.

 Can fulfill custom orders.  Sometimes you may have a specific need that requires a custom order. You must rely on a supplier that can build whatever piece you need to fulfill your job.

The bottom line? You need to partner with a metal roof supplier who will be there for you when and where you need them.  You can always count on us!


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Thinking Business Expansion? Now’s the time! Thu, 12 Oct 2017 16:00:11 +0000 It’s Not Too Late to Expand Your Business in 2017! Thinking Business Expansion? Now’s the time! According to a Small Business Economic Trends Report recently issued by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the significant surge in small business optimism that began in November of last year was still going strong in March of this […]

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It’s Not Too Late to Expand Your Business in 2017!

Thinking Business Expansion? Now’s the time! According to a Small Business Economic Trends Report recently issued by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the significant surge in small business optimism that began in November of last year was still going strong in March of this year. Small business owners are remaining enthusiastic about the future of the economy and the direction of consumer confidence. They are encouraged by signs that this optimism is translating into economic activity such as capital investment and job creation.

2017 is turning out to be a good year for business owners, specifically contractors. According to a survey released by the Associated General Contractors of America, over 70 percent of construction firms plan to expand their payrolls this year. This is due to the fact that contractors expect private and public sector demand to increase in all market segments.

NFIB’s Small Business Survey also reports that small business optimism has soared to its highest level since 2004.

What does this mean for you and your business?

It means that now is a great time to consider expanding your business in preparation for this economic upswing.  Stay competitive by brainstorming the different ways you can expand!

Following are some tips:

Stay Informed: Consider attending industry specific trade shows/expos to stay current on innovation and trends. Subscribe and read key industry publications. Network through National Roofing Contractors Association, the local chamber of commerce, or other similar associations. This will give you ideas and build relationships.

Crew:  One of the major problems impacting the industry is finding skilled workers. Invest in hiring and training more employees in preparation for larger and more frequent projects throughout the year. You don’t want to lose a project because you didn’t have the required manpower or skill set.

Tools/Equipment:  Replace anything old and outdated with up-to-date quality equipment so you can stay on top of best practices and allow your business to run more smoothly. You wouldn’t want your equipment to break down onsite, or delay a job because you don’t have the most efficient tools.

Update Your Online Presence:  How does your website look? The company website and marketing is too often last on the list of priorities.  If it looks outdated or is hard to navigate, think about outsourcing to a professional website designer to give your business a modern and professional look. A cohesive brand identity is key to a successful online presence. Many times your site is the first impression customers will see, so invest in it to make it stand out.

Don’t Let Lack of Funds Hold You Back:  Many of our clients in the construction industry expressed that having extra cash allowed them to cover upfront costs and take on extra jobs. Being able to cover payroll and start projects when there is no down payment, or there is an unexpected payment delay, can help you benefit from profitable opportunities.

Set yourself up for success! Now is the time and we are always here to help!

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Let’s talk seriously about your safety procedures Thu, 14 Sep 2017 15:17:37 +0000 Safety Begins Before the Metal Roof or Gutter Installation Does Let’s talk seriously about your safety procedures. Standing seam metal roofs are an increasingly popular roof option for residential construction because of their durability and energy efficiency.  As with roof work, using any type of materials, construction employees working at heights of 6 feet or more must be protected […]

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Safety in the work place

Safety Begins Before the Metal Roof or Gutter Installation Does

Let’s talk seriously about your safety procedures. Standing seam metal roofs are an increasingly popular roof option for residential construction because of their durability and energy efficiency.  As with roof work, using any type of materials, construction employees working at heights of 6 feet or more must be protected from slip and fall hazards.

You must continuously emphasize slip and fall safety to your workers. You must also provide fall prevention training to the workers before allowing them to work above 6 feet.

Over the last few years, metal roofing and gutter contractors have been focusing on job site safety. And rightfully so!  As insurance premiums rise, it is important that your installation crews follow the proper safety precautions. It is also critical that your crews be trained and retrained on a regular basis regarding these safety procedures.  Failure to do so could cost your company a great deal of money or worse.

These safety procedures are not just limited to the installation process. They may also include the use of required safety equipment or the proper protective clothing.

This is not a new issue! Job site safety has been an important part of the home improvement and building construction industry for quite some time.

But safety does not just begin and end on the job site. 

It is equally as important that your crews arrive to and from the job site safely as well.  Their vehicles should be properly maintained, and all traffic laws should be followed to the letter. This means that crews should not be distracted while driving to and from the jobs. So there should be NO phone calls, texting, eating, drinking or filling out paperwork while on the way to or from the job site.

Many companies are opting to install video cameras on their vehicles. They record both the driver’s activities, as well as a view out the back and the of the vehicle. This is a great way to insure that your drivers are not distracted. Also, the exterior views may come in handy in the unfortunate event of an accident, which may prove your employee was not at fault.

The footage can be seen in real time on your computer or phone so you can monitor the crews’ activities 24/7.

There are also other types of tracking devices to consider that can help you govern the driving speed, and insure the use of blinkers and proper breaking and turns. These methods can help you make sure your crew arrives safely to and from jobs.

Accidents are more common than you think and can cost you a fortune in insurance premiums and legal fees.

Sure, job site safety is very important, but you also want to keep your employees safe while traveling back and forth.


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9 Tips for Handling Unhappy Roofing Customer Complaints Thu, 31 Aug 2017 15:30:34 +0000 Unfortunately, customer complaints continue to be an area of interest and concern. And in today’s online world, complaints have become even more of a problem as disgruntled customers often post negative comments on social media. No one likes dissatisfied customers, and most of us take pride in our work in an effort to please our […]

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Dealing with difficult customers

Unfortunately, customer complaints continue to be an area of interest and concern. And in today’s online world, complaints have become even more of a problem as disgruntled customers often post negative comments on social media.

No one likes dissatisfied customers, and most of us take pride in our work in an effort to please our customers. However, it is impossible to please everyone. Hopefully these tips can help you better understand and tackle the problem.

Here are 9 Tips for Handling Unhappy Roofing Customer Complaints!

Tip #1:

Not all customers are good customers. Some are just unhappy in life and no one can please them. It’s fine to fire a customer and agree to disagree.

Tip #2:

No matter how hard we try, things are not as easy to communicate as we hope, and sometimes miscommunication happens. Identify these areas and utilize photos, spec sheets and examples to make sure they are clearly defined.

Tip #3:

Service is about competence, not just being nice. Smile and be pleasant but follow the customer’s lead. Of course always be polite and efficient, but not too talkative or intrusive unless the customer encourages you.

Tip #4:

Train your employees what to do so they won’t try to figure it out as they go along. Make sure your field employees understand it is not their job to solve all customer problems but it is their job to be polite, listen and have the appropriate person contact the customer.

Tip #5:

Complaints are like balloons – when they are full of hot air, balloons and customers are both hard to manage. Once you let out the air, it becomes a lot easier. Listen and let the customer talk. Most reasonable people get upset because they don’t feel heard.

Tip #6:

Writing things down shows the customer you are listening. If you smile or frown, both can be taken the wrong way. If you write things down, people will also be more careful as to what they say.

Tip #7:

Deal with feelings first and facts later. Too often we try to be logical with upset people and we find ourselves going nowhere. Agreeing with their feelings does not mean you are agreeing with their version of the facts. Saying, “I can appreciate how you might feel that way, but …” can be a positive approach to the conversation.

Tip #8:

No matter how hard it is, keep your cool. In most situations, the least emotional person wins. No matter how much you are attached, try not to take it personally.

Tip #9:

The more work you do and the bigger your company gets, the more complaints you will have. It is just math, so don’t be too concerned about it.

The bottom line is that you can’t let a few complaints override the pleasant experience of doing good work and developing a satisfied customer base.

Take pride in what you do and don’t let those few exceptions spoil your attitude or those of your employees.

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The Best of Miami — 2016 Fri, 20 Jan 2017 16:19:20 +0000 I’m sure most of us are happy to have 2016 behind us. Everywhere we looked there seemed to be bad news; crippling weather, celebrity scandals, and politicians berating each other, the scent of despair heavy in the air. But we looked around at our Miami community and realized there is no reason to panic. It’s […]

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Miami skyline

I’m sure most of us are happy to have 2016 behind us. Everywhere we looked there seemed to be bad news; crippling weather, celebrity scandals, and politicians berating each other, the scent of despair heavy in the air.

But we looked around at our Miami community and realized there is no reason to panic. It’s all going to be just fine. How do we know?

Just take a look at some of the positive things that happened in Miami-Dade during 2016.

5 Positive Stories from 2016


South Florida was home to dozens of athletes that participated in the 2016 Rio games. Many of the world’s best athletes call the Miami area home. Brianna Rollins returned home as a hero as the first person from Miami to ever win gold in an individual track and field event. Sylvia “Baby Shaq” Fowles is the first woman to dunk in an international basketball game, while Ashleigh Johnson broke boundaries, leading the US to a women’s water polo gold.
Miami is becoming safer
Even as the national rates, and even Florida as a whole, are trending up, crime rates in Miami are actually going down. According to the FBI, major crimes in Miami-Dade dropped by 6.8%, even as they increased elsewhere in Florida. Police Chief Rodolfo Llanes has attributed the improvements to better community policing.
The Dolphins Made the Playoffs
After many years of consistent losing, the Dolphins had become a dead fish franchise. With Adam Gase in his first year as the head coach, he began turning things around by helping Miami reach the playoffs for the first time in years; despite a horrible running defense and several of their top players being injured for most of the season.
Miami-Dade Schools Are Improving
Florida schools have been struggling for a while, but recent changes have resulted in positive improvements. Five years ago, only 76% of Miami-Dade high schoolers would earn their diplomas, but now that rate is moving up every year, currently at more than 80%. As part of a program meant to increase graduation rates statewide, our schools have implemented technology to help identify struggling students and get them into programs to improve their literacy. Miami-Dade has even taken it a step further by adding an additional period to struggling schools in the county.
Dee Gordon’s Home Run
If 2016 taught us anything, it’s that we should look for the positive moments in a world that’s transfixed with negative stories and sadness. The passing of Florida Marlins Jose Fernandez was a shock to all of us. In their next game, with the whole team wearing #12 in memory of their lost teammate, Gordon was the first out of the gate. Dee is the last one on the team we’d expect to crank one out of the park, but he did just that, before jogging around the bases with tears in his eyes. Watch the memorable moment for yourself.

Miami — A Glass Half Full

glass half full

The rest of the country might have been focused on how 2016 was the worst year ever. I have a different opinion. I think we had some great moments and that we shouldn’t always focus on the negative events. There will always be bad news, but we should choose to live in a glass-half-full world, and overcome negativity with positivity.

I think we have a lot to look forward to in 2017; even if we have a few bumps along the way.


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7 Gifts For Men You Thought Were Great (But Aren’t) Thu, 15 Dec 2016 15:41:50 +0000 If you’re looking to give a great gift to an important guy in your life, then consider what the best presents for men might actually be. Every woman I know seems to have a closet or cabinet full of various bath products, lotions, and perfumes… Most of which are unused. In a similar way, there […]

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Christmas Presents

If you’re looking to give a great gift to an important guy in your life, then consider what the best presents for men might actually be.

Every woman I know seems to have a closet or cabinet full of various bath products, lotions, and perfumes… Most of which are unused.

In a similar way, there are presents that men often receive that, while well-intentioned, will go unopened or unused.

The items below made my list of things people often buy for someone when they aren’t sure what a good gift would be. They are the “safe” options… You know.. The ones that line the aisles of big box stores this time of year.

Most of these aren’t what I consider to be “bad gifts”, and for the right guy, some of these might even be great! However, for most guys, these gifts end up leading an unfulfilled life in a closet, forgotten shortly after they are received.

The List

 1.  Grooming Kit
Lining the gift isles right now are little boxes of grooming supplies that guys are supposed to love. There are usually nail clippers, a razor, a file, tweezers, and some scissor-looking things that, honestly, I’m not really sure what they’re for. This isn’t really the kind of thing making men’s wish lists. And, we probably already have this area covered. We might like it, but the odds are that it will go unused.

2.   Gag Gift
As much as we appreciate the humor associated with receiving a Shake Weight or some nice handerpants, it also suggests that perhaps you don’t take the recipient seriously. After all, what’s supposed to happen after Christmas? Am I obligated to hang onto this unicorn meat forever, or can I just throw it away?

3.   Tie
For the right guy, ties might be great. However, these days few men wear a tie every day, and of those that do, have ties that coordinated with the rest of their wardrobes. That means a lot of men will have a surplus of ties, and yours has a good chance of hanging out in the closet, never seeing the light of day.

4.   Wallet
Men love having a nice wallet. The thing about nice wallets is they last a long time. Once we’ve found one that we like, it’s probably going to see daily action for years to come. This means, men often receive a lot more wallets than they will ever use, and often the one we end up using we found for ourselves, anyway.

5.   Random Tools or Gadgets
Sure, we tend to like things that require power and come with warning labels, but if the widget came from SkyMall or Sharper Image, you might be better off just going with a gift card. The nose hair trimmers, remote key finders, and motorized grill brushes aren’t for most of us.

6.   Hobby-related Novelty Gift
It’s easy to be pigeon-holed into one area. When your family notices that you have a particular hobby or, perhaps have a favorite sports team, they try to do well by giving you anything they can find that is somehow related. This can result in a tidal wave of random items that happen to have a sports logo stamped on them.

7.   Watch
As with most of the items on this list, a watch isn’t necessarily a bad choice for a gift… But, like wallets, most of us prefer to pick out our own watches. And recent studies have suggested that not as many people are wearing watches as in previous times. I suggest if the guy on your list does wear a watch, determine whether it’s for function or fashion, and choose appropriately.


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