consumers Archives - Metal Master Shop Your Preferred Metal Roof Supply Wed, 20 Apr 2016 16:45:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 consumers Archives - Metal Master Shop 32 32 A Well Educated Consumer Of Metal Roofing Tue, 18 Jun 2013 15:13:40 +0000 Now if you are anything like me, you LOVE to research things on the internet. Google is my friend. I am sometimes accused of researching things to death. Especially when I am going to make a large purchase. I firmly believe that an educated consumer can make a better purchase. I am not talking about […]

The post A Well Educated Consumer Of Metal Roofing appeared first on Metal Master Shop.

Now if you are anything like me, you LOVE to research things on the internet. Google is my friend. I am sometimes accused of researching things to death. Especially when I am going to make a large purchase.

I firmly believe that an educated consumer can make a better purchase. I am not talking about only the cost factor, I am talking about getting the best quality and best lasting product for my money. Let’s see if you can relate to what I’m trying to say.

When I was a kid, my mom was a single mom with 4 children. She HAD TO be careful with her money. There were a lot of times we did without and there were a lot of times we ate the same leftovers for dinner three nights in a row because it was something cheap. We didn’t have a choice, we had to make every penny stretch.

Now that being said, my mom ALWAYS made a point of buying a better quality toilet paper. Why? Because for a dollar more you didn’t put your finger through it! That is a decision where you have to choose quality over price because of the better value you get for just a little more money.

Metal Roofing Panels

In our previous blog posts we’ve already established that metal roofing, especially here in Miami, is a great value for your money. It is long lasting, durable, and safe.

What I want to talk about now is something you might not have realized. Variety. There are so many different styles of metal roofing!

In South Florida the standing seam metal roof panels are the most popular. But there are plenty of beautiful designs to choose from. Here are the main five:

  • Natural – These are self-healing materials that naturally develop a protective layer or patina as they age. They are environmentally friendly natural products with 100% recyclability.

  • Seam Roof Panels – In the past, metal roofing panels have been used mostly on commercial, industrial and farm buildings. Today’s technological advances in building materials have made it both practical and economical to use pre-painted vertical panels in virtually all color combinations for residential use.This is the most popular option in South Florida today.

  • Shake – Traditional wooden shake can be costly to maintain. You will also have the advantage of the authentic look of wood, while gaining a variety of color choices with more durable metal.

  • Shingle/Slate – Metal Shingles create the look of smooth, uniform slate tiles. These normally appeal to those who appreciate a classic refined appearance.

  • Tile – Traditional tile roofs can be heavy but fragile and costly to maintain. Metal Tile has the graceful curves of classic tile, but the lightness and strength of steel.Miami Metal Roof Home

Don’t assume just because we talk about metal roofing that it will look like a construction building down at the airport. There are numerous ways to manipulate the metal roofing to give the appearance of more “traditional” roofing with the added benefits you will get from having a metal roof. Call us today so we can make your vision into a reality.

The post A Well Educated Consumer Of Metal Roofing appeared first on Metal Master Shop.
