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We are very excited to announce another South Florida Metal Roofing Conference in Spring 2014. Our last one was such a success that we have decided to hold one every 6 months for as long as they continue to serve our community of roofers and homeowners. The Details What: Day 1- Seminar about Marketing and […]

There was some talk at MetalCon last month about the thermal coefficient of metal roofing materials. It seemed like a topic worth addressing, even briefly, to give you an idea of what it means and why it’s important when you are looking for the metal roof that’s right for you. Thermal Movement: temperature fluctuations throughout […]

There are many amazing types of metal out there. Stainless steel has long been a favorite for most industries. Here are a bunch of little known facts about it. Why is Stainless Steel Incredible? infographic

There is a famous country song by a lady named Julie Roberts called “Rain on a Tin Roof” that always conjures up that image in your head of a pounding summer rainstorm and laying in bed listening to it. While I agree the song is beautiful, could you imagine having to listen to rain pounding your […]

A lot of our Miami, Florida customers have come to us with questions about dents in their metal roofing due to hail. This is a common misconception that we are going to go over in this months “Getting the facts straight” series. We are finding more and more people have questions come up over weather […]