metal training Archives - Metal Master Shop Your Preferred Metal Roof Supply Tue, 19 Apr 2016 20:50:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 metal training Archives - Metal Master Shop 32 32 5 Tips for the Newbie in Metal Roofing Thu, 28 May 2015 13:45:06 +0000 If you are a contractor new to metal roofing installation, you’re not alone. Metal roofs have swept America with their popularity, and I don’t see an end in sight. To add value and versatility to your company, become a pro at metal roofing installation. Here are five tips to help you get started. Practice Makes […]

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If you are a contractor new to metal roofing installation, you’re not alone. Metal roofs have swept America with their popularity, and I don’t see an end in sight. To add value and versatility to your company, become a pro at metal roofing installation.

Here are five tips to help you get started.

Practice Makes Perfect

  1. Safetysharp metal roofs can cut you very easily. Wear gloves while installing at ALL times. Don’t work with metal roofs in high winds. If you must, work with your back toward the wind so a gust doesn’t throw you off the roof.
  2. Trimthe trim is very important cosmetically. Trim also adds durability and provides resistance to the elements. The edge must be wrapped with flashing. Make sure the drip edge trim is installed along the line of the gutter. If the trim isn’t flush with the gutter, rain will simply flow onto the yard, making it a mess.
  3. Fastener Installationgone are the nails of yesterday. Screws are much stronger and last longer. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s specifics for spacing, and fasten screws to the flat part of the steel, not the rib. A general rule of thumb is to space the fastener screws twenty-four to thirty inches apart. That would mean skipping every other rib.
  4. Know the manufacturer’s specificsthe worst mistake you can make is not reading the installation instructions. If something is installed incorrectly, the manufacturer’s warranty could be void.
  5. Condensationall metal roofing manufacturers require a layer of felt to prevent the buildup of condensation. It’s standard practice in metal roofing installation for the felt to be laid down first.

Ready, Set…Go

Metal Master Shop metal roofing installation A properly installed metal roof will last forty to fifty years. I have heard stories of some contractors installing metal roofs over existing shingles. It can be done, but we do not recommend doing so, as it voids the manufacturer’s warranty immediately.

We all have to start somewhere when installing metal roofs. By following instructions carefully, being safe, and knowing the equipment you’re working with, installing metal roofs will become a breeze. Enjoy it!


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The post 5 Tips for the Newbie in Metal Roofing appeared first on Metal Master Shop.
