training Archives - Metal Master Shop Your Preferred Metal Roof Supply Fri, 20 Dec 2019 18:51:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 training Archives - Metal Master Shop 32 32 Highlights of the South Florida Metal Roofing Conference Thu, 05 Jun 2014 14:40:28 +0000 We hope you attended and enjoyed the South Florida Metal Roofing Conference as much as we enjoyed putting it on for everyone! The whole event was geared toward learning how to grow your business by selling metal roofing in the South Florida area. In case you weren’t there April 16 and 17, we wanted to […]

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We hope you attended and enjoyed the South Florida Metal Roofing Conference as much as we enjoyed putting it on for everyone!

The whole event was geared toward learning how to grow your business by selling metal roofing in the South Florida area.

The South Florida Metal Roofing Conference logo

In case you weren’t there April 16 and 17, we wanted to go over what you missed.

Of course, whether you attended or not, you can always show up for the next one. That’s right – because of the outstanding reception this conference received, we’re already planning to do another one in the fall, around October or November!

What You Missed on Day 1

If you didn’t attend the first day of the conference, you missed some amazing presentations by impressive experts in the roofing industry. They included:

  • Brian Partyka – Executive Vice President of Business Development at Drexel Metals
  • Alex Miranda – Founder of The Creative Complex, a direct marketing agency in Miami
  • Kevin Jimeno – Partner of Alex Miranda at The Creative Complex marketing agency

You would have heard what makes metal roofing better than other types of roofing, particularly in the South Florida area. You also would have heard how to sell the benefits of these metal roofs to your customers.

And in perhaps one of the most eye-opening parts of the day, you would have discovered how to brand and market metal roofs to your current customers, as well as how to get new clients through social media and online marketing channels.

Demand was high for this first day, with every seat filled, plus a few extras from people who wanted to attend and wouldn’t take no for an answer!

What You Missed on Day 2

The first day of the conference was free to reserve a seat, while the second day was $525.

Why did we charge a fee on the second day? It’s because we were able to offer hands-on training through Drexel Metals, a multi-national company, that included a certification in metal roofing!

Along with the certification was a 25 year warranty backed by Drexel Metals for the installers and contractors who attended. This unprecedented offer makes it much easier for roofers to sell the idea of metal roofing to their customers.

As it turns out, demand for this training and certification was very high as well. On the second day, we were supposed to have 8 installers, but we ended up with 12 because of the demand!

Bright Future for Metal Roofing

Overall, it was a fantastic showing and a wonderful event! We’re excited to see that so many roofing installers, contractors, designers, and homeowners in the South Florida area are getting interested in metal roofing.

We’re planning another conference in the fall. While the topics aren’t decided yet, you can be sure you’ll get some excellent value from it as well.

We hope to see even more of you then!



The post Highlights of the South Florida Metal Roofing Conference appeared first on Metal Master Shop.

The South Florida Metal Roofing Conference Wed, 02 Apr 2014 12:00:53 +0000 We are very excited to announce another South Florida Metal Roofing Conference in Spring 2014. Our last one was such a success that we have decided to hold one every 6 months for as long as they continue to serve our community of roofers and homeowners. The Details What: Day 1- Seminar about Marketing and […]

The post The South Florida Metal Roofing Conference appeared first on Metal Master Shop.

We are very excited to announce another South Florida Metal Roofing Conference in Spring 2014. Our last one was such a success that we have decided to hold one every 6 months for as long as they continue to serve our community of roofers and homeowners.

The Details

What: Day 1- Seminar about Marketing and Metal Roof Business Practices

Day 2- Certification Workshop for Metal Roof Installations to become Metal Master Shop Certified and Drexel Metals Gold Standard Warranty Certified

When: April 16-17, 2014

The purpose: Grow Your Business With Metal Roofs!

Sign up on our website.

The Line-Up of Experts

On April 16th, we will be honored to hear from several experts who can change your business in incredible ways. If you want to use metal roofs as a part of your business offerings for clients in the South Florida area, you will learn how to market them to reach your business goals (and maybe even surpass them!).

drexel metals

Brian Partyka, The Executive Vice President of Business Development at Drexel Metals, is a valued partner of Metal Master Shop and the co-sponsor of this conference.

He’ll be covering some important topics about metal roofs:

  • Benefits of metal roofs over other kinds

  • Why metal roofs are the best kind of roof for South Florida

  • Why you should be installing them in your customer’s roofs

  • How to sell the benefits of metal roofs to your customers

creative complexAlex Miranda, Founder of The Creative Complex which is a Miami-based direct marketing agency for small to medium businesses.

He’ll be sharing tips on how to brand and market metal roofs to your current customers as well as getting more customers through metal roof sales.

Kevin Jimeno, a Partner of Alex Miranda at The Creative Complex marketing agency.

He’ll be talking about increasing clients through social media and online marketing for your roofing business.

How do I sign up?!


So now that I’ve convinced you of the real value of this conference, let me throw a little more fuel on the fire.

What we really want to do is provide this information and expertise to the roofers and industry leaders in our area. We are not looking to make a profit or get more green in our pockets. We know the value of metal roofs and we want to share that knowledge with you.

So we are doing something that might surprise you.

Yes, it’s true that we are requiring a retainer fee to reserve your seat for the conference but we’ll be giving that back if you attend. So, in essence, it’s FREE.

That’s all well and good, you might say, but what about the no-shows? Are you planning to make some money on the people who plan to come but then decide not to?

No! We really truly want everyone to attend our conference. We know what it can do for your business. To put our money where our mouth is, then, we are going to donate $125.00 for every retainer fee that goes unclaimed. The beneficiary of these unclaimed seats is the charity Jose’s Hands.

Sign up now!

There’s no deadline to sign up, even if you are reading this on April 15. However you’ll want to sign up as quickly as possible because we have limited seats and they won’t stay vacant for long.

Hopefully we’ll see you there!


The post The South Florida Metal Roofing Conference appeared first on Metal Master Shop.
